A married woman, being given the freedom to take a black lover, with the consent and encouragement of her husband, and her taking that opportunity for the sole reason of sexual enjoyment and empowerment is just incredibly dirty.” “My, my Tom, you have thought this through haven’t you?” “I guess I have, yes. Thinking back to that moment on holiday when you imagined taking a lover and right at the end saying that he was black almost blew my mind. To be fair, up until reading your book and then hearing you mention it I had never given the whole black and white thing a thought. But, since then I cannot seem to imagine any other combination of sex and am so desperate to see it for real. The fact that you, my gorgeous wife could be the one to make it a reality is just awesome.” “I think we need to talk, Tom.” Chapter 2 Rather than things gathering pace at this point, the subject was put on the back burner a bit as both Mandy and Tom were kept busy with work and other commitments in. “Me too.”“Do they give you a certificate – when you get to be a proper American?” asked Sam.“I don’t know, Sam. Maybe.”“I’d like that. I’d like a thing I can hang on my wall that says I belong,” he said.“Yeah.” That sounded like an excellent idea. I would like that too.We looked at each other and shared a moment of silence together. Then without any discussion we both turned at the same time and looked back out across the living room. Together we watched the swirling patterns of people as they moved around the room.A short time later, Sam broke our self-imposed silence.“I’m going to England when I’m older – not to stay but just for a short time,” he said.“Why?”“I’m going to find the guy who did that to Mama Penny and smash his face in.”He said it so calmly but with utter certainty.My eyes went straight to Aunty Penny. She was glancing sideways at Uncle Stan and rubbing her arm nervously. Uncle Stan wasn’t doing anything wrong. He was maybe standing a little bit too close to her for.
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